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Kolme retkeilijää nousemassa tunturiin. Taustalla polku laskeutuu laaksoon, jonka takana avaraa tunturimaisemaa. On keskikesä.


In total, Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park and the surrounding areas offers around 500 kilometres of marked summer trails. The selection of hiking trails ranges from short day trips to more challenging excursions. With a few exceptions, mountain biking is permitted on official summer trails. There are more than 100 kilometres of winter hiking trails in the National Park and in the surrounding areas. Winter trails are also in shared use, which means that you may meet both cyclists and hikers with gliding snowshoes.

  • The nature trails of the National Park are mostly easy, and the information boards along them introduce visitors to local natural features.
  • The most popular hiking trail is the one between Hetta and Pallas, which dates back to 1934.
  • Tunturi-Lapin Taival trail network connects the villages and tourist centres around the National Park.
  • The area has separate winter and summer trail networks.
  • The winter trails are maintained with snowmobiles as required by the weather conditions. Metsähallitus does not maintain winter trails.
  • If you want to take a break, the options range from open wilderness huts to lean-to shelters and wilderness cafés.
  • When hiking in Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park, follow the principles of litter-free hiking.