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Outdoor destinations
Kännykkä kädellä. Kännykässä näkyy uusi Luontoon-palvelu.

Destinations and trails all over Finland

You can find information on all outdoor recreation destinations, trails and services throughout Finland on the Luontoon service. 

The aim of this service is to promote the well-being of people and nature by making it easier to find destinations and trails and by helping people plan and spend time out in nature. Metsähallitus is developing the service together with users and stakeholders as a service for everyone. Funded by the Ministry of the Environment, is a national outdoor recreation information service. Metsähallitus Parks & Wildlife is the administrator of the service.

Destinations and trails presents the destinations, trails and structures of several different actors. Information is imported from Metsähallitus’ systems and the Lipas database developed by the University of Jyväskylä. Municipalities and other actors can produce content for the Lipas system.

  • Information on official destinations and trails related to hiking, biking, fishing and paddling as well as structures serving hikers and outdoor enthusiasts can currently be produced for the service.
  • The data provider must be the official owner or operator of the site or route, or an entity designated by the owner/operator.
  • • The contents of the descriptions of sites, routes and structures presented in the National Parks Finland services are entered into the LIPAS system developed by the University of Jyväskylä. The information will be displayed in the Luontoon service in a couple of days.
  • The LIPAS project organises training sessions on data entry and grants access rights to the system. Read more about Lipas (
  • Suomen Latu — the Outdoor Association of Finland supports national content production together with outdoor organisations. Read more (

Commercial services

At this stage of development, the commercial products shown in the service are those of Metsähallitus Parks & Wildlife partner companies. Product information is imported from VisitFinland DataHub.

  • The company producing information on its services must have a valid tourism cooperation agreement with Metsähallitus Parks & Wildlife.
  • The company's services must be suitable for the content and target groups of the service.
  • The company must have a website in both Finnish and English.
  • The products/services offered by the company must be located/take place within or in the immediate vicinity of areas managed by Metsähallitus (the company may be registered elsewhere).
  • All products added to the service from DataHub must comply with the rules of the operating area (destination) in question and other regulations. However, if you offer tourism products outside the boundaries of our area (i.e. in the immediate vicinity as a service to visitors in the area), please remember the principles of sustainable tourism. .
  • Metsähallitus will curate the content displayed on the service website and check the suitability of every product for the service selection at the nature site in question. Metsähallitus will also ensure that the company meets the contractuality obligation.
  • Read more (

In cooperation with:

Ympäristöministeriö, Jyväskylän yliopisto, Suomen latu, VisitFinland Datahub, Bikeland, Suomen vapaa-ajan kalastajat, Suomen soutu- ja melontaliitto, UUVI, Hämeen virkistysalueyhdistys, Etelä-Karjalan virkistysaluesäätiö