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Outdoor destinations
Kolme retkeilijää pystyttää telttaa. Taustalla mäntymetsää.

Overnight stays

For those staying overnight in Rokua, there are various options available, such as open wilderness huts and rental huts.


  • Camping is permitted only in the immediate vicinity of campsites. Please choose an already worn spot for your tent to help preserve Rokua's delicate nature.
  • When camping, be considerate towards other hikers and those staying overnight. They may be tired after their day’s hike and wish to enjoy the peace and quiet of nature.


  • An open wilderness hut is shared accommodation where self-guided hikers can rest and spend the night free of charge.
  • A rental hut is accommodation that you can rent for your private use for one or several nights.
  • By following the hut etiquette, you take the environment, safety and other hikers into consideration. Read the instructions and hut etiquette that can be found in the hut.

Accommodation services

Accommodation services of Metsähallitus partners in the area and its vicinity.

Caravan and mobile home areas

Caravan areas in the area and its vicinity.