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Outdoor destinations
Kuvan etualalla on lumisia pihlajan oksia. Niiden takana näkyy vanha hirsinen torppa, jonka ikkunasta loistaa valo. Torpan edessä on tumma ihmisen hahmo lyhty kädessään. Taustalla näkyy täysikuu ja sininen taivas.

Overnighting in Syöte National Park is an experience

In Syöte National Park, hikers are served by a comprehensive network of eight open wilderness huts and three rental huts. The huts are located along the most popular routes as well as in remote areas behind roadless paths, offering something for every hiker.

Pets are welcome in all of Syöte's open wilderness huts and rental huts.

Even if one relies on open wilderness huts during the hike, it is always wise to pack a tent for unexpected situations. Camping in Syöte National Park is guided by a zoning division: In the wilderness area, you can camp freely, while in the basic zone, camping is allowed near all rest spots. There are no designated camping areas in Syöte.

The map of the basic and wilderness zones of the national park can be found in the park regulations.only in finnish )(

In the Syöte tourism center area, there are many companies offering accommodation services and lodging options ranging from boutique hotels to cabins and camping sites.


  • The wilderness hut is a shared and free resting and overnight place for independent hikers.
  • The reservable hut is a shared overnight place where you can book a paid bed for 1-2 nights.
  • By following hut etiquette, you consider the environment, safety, and other hikers. Please familiarize yourself with the hut instructions available at the site hut etiquette
  • Read more about huts