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Outdoor destinations
Liiverin autiotupa/ödestuga/open wilderness hut.
AddressSyöte National Park, Taivalkoski. Coordinates: Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 65° 40.0281' lon: 28° 02.7345' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 7283208 E: 548071

A modest open wilderness hut is available year-round. A demanding wilderness destination.
The open wilderness hut is a shared and free resting and overnight place for independent hikers. You can stay in wilderness huts for one or two nights without a reservation. Be prepared for the possibility that there may not be enough space to sleep in the hut.

• Sleeping places for 4.
• Heating with a stove.
• No drinking water point. Water from natural sources must be purified before drinking.
• No waste management. Take your own waste out of the area.
• Bring your own cooking utensils.
• Pets are allowed in the hut.

Contact information

Metsähallitus National Parks FinlandContacts and feedback