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Current conditions on the trails of the Pyhä-Luosto National Park


Current informaton about the trails and terrain conditions in the Pyhä-Luosto National Park.

The weather has been very cold, with less snow than usual for this time of year. More detailed information about snow depth and weather conditions can be checked on the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s website ( Sunrise and sunset times, also available on the same site, are equally important to know when you are planning trips to the national park. The time of daylight is short so it is good to take a headlamp with you.

  • The national park's winter cycling trails are marked in the terrain with blue plowing markers, and the trail maintenance has begun (excluding the Pyhä Wilderness Trail, which is scheduled to open in week 8).
  • In Pyhä, the Tunturiaapa snowshoeing trails are also marked in the terrain with blue plowing markers.
  • Due to the low amount of snow, in Luosto area there are still unmarked snowshoeing trail sections. These include the 2.5 km trail section from the Ukko-Luosto parking area over Pikku-Luosto to Lampivaara and the 2.2 km section between the Ukko-Luosto scenic hut and Torvisen maja.
  • Snowshoeing and winter cycling routes can be seen collectively on this PDF map. (
  • Some cross-country ski tracks have been opened. The current maintenance status of all the ski tracks and winter cycling trails of the area can be checked on the paid digital map service ( that is maintained by Visit Pyhä-Luosto registered assosiation.