Other activities
Punkaharju rises in the middle of Lake Saimaa. Lake Puruvesi famous for its clear waters is on the one side, and Lake Pihlajavesi known for its seals on the other. Paddling is a great way to explore the area and admire the heritage landscape from the waters!
- There are no official paddling routes in the area
- Rental equipment and other services are available from local entrepreneurs

- Motor boating is allowed in the area
- There is a navigation channel between Vaahersalo and Punkaharju to the west of the esker.
- Services for boaters are available in the area.
Bird watching
- Typical bird species of dry pine heaths and waterbirds splashing on the shores can be observed here.
- The Spotted Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes) can be spotted in the Siberian pine forest in Laukansaari area.
There is a total of 40 kilometres of ski tracks in the protected area and in its vicinity. The selection ranges from tracks for traditional style or skating technique and from forest tracks to those leading across the lake ice. Some of the ski tracks have lights. The ski tracks are maintained by the Harjureitit pool.
- Map of ski tracks and their maintenance situation (savonlinna.fi).

In winter, you can also experience the steep eskers of Punkaharju on snowshoes.
- Several marked snowshoeing trails of different levels are available visitpunkaharju.fi.
Berry and Mushroom Picking
Picking berries and mushrooms is permitted in the area as Everyman's Rights. The area has an abundant crop of blueberries for example.
There are excellent swimming spots at Cape Kuikonniemi and Cape Mustaniemi. There are changing booths at Kuikonniemi. There is no official swimming spot in the area.
Hook and line fishing and ice fishing
- Hook and line fishing and ice fishing are both permitted in the area as Everyman's Rights.
Lure Fishing
- Persons aged 18-69 years must pay the fisheries management fee (eraluvat.fi). If you fish with more than one rod, you also need Metsähallitus' angling permit no 7413 for Southern Finland (eraluvat.fi). These permits can be purchased in the web shop (eraluvat.fi).
Trap Fishing
- All 18 to 69 year-olds who wish to trap fish must pay the annual national fisheries management fee (eraluvat.fi). In addition to this, a Metsähallitus fishing permit is required.
- Fishing on the southwest side of the Punkaharju-Savonlinna road requires a Pihlajavesi fishing permit, Permit area 7009, (eraluvat.fi) .
- Permit area and on the northeast side a Puruvesi fishing permit (Permit area 7014, eraluvat.fi). Permits can also be purchased by phone at +358 (0)20 69 2424.