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Outdoor destinations

Hiking services

The Nature Reserve has plenty of hiking trails. There is a campfire site in the research park on Laukansaari


  • As campsites are shared resting places, you should show consideration towards other hikers.

  • There is no waste management at the campsites, so bring your rubbish home.

  • Lighting fires is only allowed at serviced and designated campfire sites.

  • Before you light a fire, always check if any forest fire warnings are in effect. When a forest fire warning has been issued, lighting fires is prohibited.

  • On the northern shore of Laukansaari, within the Research Park area, is the Karjalankallio campfire site. The Karjalankallio campfire site is covered and has a chimney, so making a fire is allowed even during a forest fire warning, with special caution.

  • Firewood is provided at campfire sites. Remember that you may have to chop up the wood yourself. Please use the firewood sparingly.

  • Do not burn rubbish or tear off bark from living trees. You can use a small amount of clean paper and cardboard to light your fire.

  • The last person to leave the campfire site is always responsible for putting out the fire.

Drinking water

  • Always boil water from natural sources before drinking it.
  • Do not wash dishes or yourself in natural waters or on well covers.
  • After use, remember to soak any washing water into the ground far enough away from natural waters or water supply points.


  • At the Karjalankallio campfire site, there is a dry toilet that is also accessible with an assistant.
  • Remember to bring your own toilet paper.
  • There is a customer toilet at the Harjutie kiosk, which is open during the kiosk's operating hours.

Waste disposal

  • Take your rubbish home, do not burn it.
  • Remember to bring some rubbish bags when you go out.
  • Do not throw food waste out in the forest.