Overnight Stays in Petkeljärvi
At Petkeljärvi, you can stay at the Petkejärvi Hiking Centre, which has accommodation rooms, as well as a camping area and a caravan area with maintenance buildings. Accommodation is subject to a fee.
- In the nearby area, various accommodation services are offered by Metsähallitus' partners, such as cottages and farm stays.
The hiking centre has about 50 tent sites. Camping elsewhere in the national park is prohibited.
- A paid tent site is available on a flat area, right next to the other services of the campsite.
- A fee is charged for overnight stays at the campsite, which also grants access to the shower and toilet facilities in the service building, as well as the cooking and dining areas in the camp kitchen.
The Puistonvartijantupa Hut in Petkeljärvi National Park was originally built as a home for the park ranger's family. Today, it is a rental cabin that can be booked directly from the entrepreneur petkeljarvi.com.
The Petkeljärvi Hiking Centre has also rooms.
Accommodation services
Accommodation services of Metsähallitus' partners in the area and its vicinity.
Outdoor Centre in Petkeljärvi National Park
Petkeljärvi Center - hiking and camping center is located in the middle of Petkeljärvi National Park, in the easternmost municipality of Finland in Ilomantsi. The accommodation facilities of Petkeljärvi National Park's hiking center, the park ranger's lodge, and the camping area's caravan and tent sites can be booked every year from the beginning of May to the end of October, weather permitting
The Park Ranger's Hut in Petkeljärvi Nationalpark
There is an old Park Ranger's Hut by the road leading to Petkeljärvi National Park. Basic repairs have been carried out on the cabin and it has been furnished in the style it would have been in the 1960s. The cabin has displays on the National Park's history. Nowadays, those staying in the park can rent a park ranger cabin.