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Outdoor destinations
Kuvassa näkyy tunturipaljakkaa, jonka keskellä seisoo ihminen ja kaksi koiraa. Ihmisellä on selässään sininen rinkka. Taustalla avautuu metsä- ja lampimaisemaa sekä horisontissa uusia tuntureita.


A wilderness area where hikers can follow their own paths accounts for the greatest part of Lemmenjoki National Park. Good hiking skills are needed to take on Lemmenjoki’s challenge, as there are no hiking structures and the open wilderness huts are few and far between. If you have the necessary skills, you can hike through varying landscapes from the shade of old-growth forests to open fells and large mires. A lucky hiker may see traces of a wolverine or bear, but you may go for days without encountering another human.