Hiking services in Aulanko
There is a good network of trails in the area.
Lighting campfires is forbidden inside the Aulanko Nature Reserve and there are no campfire sites. There are tables and benches by the shores of Metsälampi and Joutsenlampi.
Aulangonjärven kota
Lean-to shelter
Nuotiokehä, puita, esteettömiä pöytäpenkkejä, roska-astia, sekä wc-tilat. Suora pääsy Aulangon reiteille.
Kärmeskallion nuotiopaikka
Cooking site
Nuotiopaikka, laituri, penkkejä. Puuliiteri ja huussi portaiden yläpäässä. Sibeliuksen metsän läpi kulkevan polun varressa.
Kalastuspuiston nuotiopaikka
Cooking site
Nuotiopaikalle esteetön kulku, nuotiokehä, puuliiteri rampin alkupäässä
Drinking water
There is no drinking water in the Aulanko nature reserve.
At café Tornikahvila on Aulangonvuori Hill, there is a toilet with a ramp for wheelchair users. It is open when the café is open.
Waste disposal in Aulanko
- Take your rubbish home.
- Remember to bring some rubbish bags when you go out.
- Do not throw food waste out in the forest.
There are waste bins on the parking areas along the ring road in summertime.
Aulanko Metsälampi pysäköintialue pohj. roskakori 1
Waste disposal
Trash bin in use during the summer.
Aulanko Joutsenlampi pysäköintialue pohj. roskakori
Waste disposal
Trash bin in use during the summer.
Aulanko näkötorni pysäköintialue roskapönttö 1
Waste disposal
Trash bin in use during the summer.
Aulanko Joutsenlampi pysäköintialue E. roskapönttö
Waste disposal
Trash bin in use during the summer.
Aulanko kahvila jätepiste
Waste disposal
Trash bin in use during the summer.