Length0.9 km
Duration(0,5 tuntia)
Degree of difficultyHard
This wide boardwalk takes you around Vähä-Koukkujärvi lake. There are seven accessible fishing platforms on the trail where you can stop to enjoy the scenery around the lake from spring to autumn. Fishing is permitted for visitors aged under 15. The cooking shelter and its large barbecue provide enough space for cooking and having a picnic even for larger groups.
- Circle trail
- Campfire siteAlways check for any wildfire warnings in effect before making a fire.
- Accessible trail
- Camping permittedEveryman's rights apply.
- No dry toilet
- Remember to bring a trash bagThere are no waste bins on the trail. Bring along your own trash bag and take your waste out with you when leaving.
- No water point
- No winter maintenance
Contact information
Starting point: Vähä-Koukkujärvi parking area, Kalliojärventie 90, Hämeenlinna.
The parking area has a designated accessible parking space. The parking area has a crosswise slope of up to 9%.
There are no trail markings - the entire circle trail is a boardwalk and easy to follow.
A wide, sandy road leads to the trail from the parking area. There is a gate between the parking lot and the sandy road, which can be bypassed on a 90 cm wide path. The crosswise slope of the road is as much as 12.5% in places. The road is rugged, with exposed rocks and dips. The hill leading to the pond can have an incline of as much as 18%.
The trail is flat, but there are slight crosswise slopes in places. The planks laid crossways are 1.2 m wide and have 5-centimetre edges.
There are seven accessible fishing platforms which have 85-centimetre handrails with middle rails.
There is a wooden pontoon bridge on the trail which bounces slightly as you go across. The bridge has accessible ramps at both ends. At the other end of the bridge, where there is a 90 degree turn onto the boardwalk, it is a good idea to stay on the outer edge. There is a 6 cm threshold at the inner edge due to a drop in the level of the pontoon bridge.
End point: Vähä-Koukkujärvi parking area, Kalliojärventie 90, Hämeenlinna.