Length2.8 km
Duration(1 h)
Degree of difficultyEasy
Specially designed for schoolchildren, the Kaariniaispolku Trail is also suitable for other hikers. There are spruce and pine forests, some mires and an old landfill along the thematic trail. The fairly easy trail is mainly rather wide, and there are roots on the trail in places. There is an information board at the starting point. The services of Veikkola, including shops and restaurants, are just over a kilometre away.
- No dry toilet
- Camping not permitted
- No winter maintenance
- No water point
- Remember to bring a trash bagThere are no waste bins on the trail. Bring along your own trash bag and take your waste out with you when leaving.
- Circle trailThe recommended direction of travel is counterclockwise.
Contact information
Starting point: Kaarniaispolku parking area, Soidentaantien pää, 02880 Kirkkonummi.
The Kaarniaispolku Trail starts from the parking area, where you can find an information board.
First, the trail passes through the tunnel under the Turunväylä Road and rises gently to a place where trails intersect. It is recommended to go around the thematic trail counterclockwise.
At the beginning of the trail, you will go past a mossy, rocky cliff. The shortcut to the end of the trail also starts around here.
As you continue on the thematic trail, you will encounter a small open mire in the eastern part of the trail. You can cross the left edge of the mire along duckboards.
At the end of the trail, the trail passes by a small former landfill, which is covered by vegetation in the summer. At the very end, the trail follows the same way you came.
There are mainly older and younger pine and spruce forests along the thematic trail, and you can spot a large number of decaying trees and fallen trees at different points along the trail.
The trail features both wide road sections and some narrower forest paths. The most difficult points are located in the spruce forest in the southern part and in the rocky pine forest in the northern part, where the roots and rocks on the trail pose some challenges. Two locations have trail bridges for crossing wetlands.
Reitin varrella on seitsemän numerotolppaa, joihin liittyvä materiaali löytyy täältä luontoon.fi/nuuksio/reitit/reittikuvaukset#kaarniaispolku. Luontopolku on suunniteltu erityisesti koululaisille. Kauppa- ja ravintolapalveluja on Veikkolan keskustassa reilun kilometrin matkan päässä.
End point: Kaarniaispolku parking area, Soidentaantien pää, 02880 Kirkkonummi.