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Paddling, rowing or by cruise boat to Linnansaari

Paddling or Rowing to Linnansaari
It is possible to reach the islands in the national park by canoeing or rowing. It is approximately 6 km from Oravi and 12 km from Porosalmi to the main island of Linnansaari. Canoes and row boats are rented out by partner operators.

By Boat to Linnansaari

By Passenger Boat Service
In the summer, there is a daily transport to the National Park from Oravi ( and Porosalmi, Rantasalmi ( The fast boat from Oravi is for 8-14 persons. The cruise ship from Porosalmi stops at Kaarnetsaari island on it`s way.

By Taxi Boat
During the open water period (1.5.-31.10.) there is a taxi boat service ( operating from Oravi. The taxi boat can be ordered anywhere at Lake Haukivesi.

By Cruise Boat
Several enterprises offer charter cruises in the national park. Some of the partner enterprises offer charter tours.

More information on services offered e.g. on Rantasalmi Travel ( and on Visitsavonlinna (

**By Private Boat **
Visitors with their own boat can arrive from either Varkaus or Savonlinna directions. Varkaus - Savonlinna route goes through the whole area.

The northern parts of the park can be reached from either Heinävesi or Joensuu directions, via Tappuvirta Channel.
The main island of the park (Linnansaari Island) can be accessed from the east through the Canals of either Oravi or Haponlahti..

From the Mustalahti Gueststage (3,5 km from the centre of Rantasalmi) it is easy to start your trip to the national park waters with your own boat. From the centre of Rantasalmi you can get to Linnansaari by following the marked route via Ketvele Canal (1,3 m deep).

On Linnansaari waters there are suitable landing places for both small boats and bigger sailboats.