Hiking services
Liesjärvi National Park provides diverse services for both day visitors and overnight hikers. The area includes campfire sites, an accessible cooking shelter and tent area, lean-to shelters, a campfire hut, tent areas, and dry toilets.
- As campsites are shared resting places, you should show consideration towards other hikers.
- There is no waste management at the campsites, so bring your rubbish home.
- Lighting fires is only allowed at serviced and designated campfire sites.
- Before you light a fire, always check if any forest fire warnings are in effect. When a forest fire warning has been issued, lighting fires is prohibited.
- Firewood is provided at campfire sites. Remember that you may have to chop up the wood yourself. Please use the firewood sparingly.
- Do not burn rubbish or tear off bark from living trees. You can use a small amount of clean paper and cardboard to light your fire.
- The last person to leave the campfire site is always responsible for putting out the fire.
- Further instructions for lighting fires
Hyypiö tulipaikka
Campfire site
Peukaloinen vuokratuvan tulentekopaikka
Campfire site
Siltalahti tulipaikka
Campfire site
Tervalamminsuo laavu
Lean-to shelter
Peukalolammi lean-ro shelter
Lean-to shelter
Camping is allowed near sleeping shelter in Peukalolammi. Making a fire is prohibited at fire sites during a forest fire warning.
Savilahti tulipaikka
Campfire site
Lighting any campfires is strictly forhibited if the wildfire warning is in effect.
Tittilammi Cooking Shelter
Cooking site
The rental cooking shelter is a fireplace that is rented entirely for your own group. The reservable accessible cooking shelter is located in the Liesjärvi National Park. The cooking shelter is intended for day and 24-hour use. Customers who have booked the cooking shelter for the 24-hour use, can stay in the nearby accessible camping area. It is forbidden to spend the night in the cooking shelter. The reservable accessible cooking shelter is suitable, for example, as a break for various group trips or even as a place for family celebrations.
Kaksvetinen campfire site
Campfire site
Lighting any campfires is strictly forhibited if the wildfire warning is in effect. This prohibition does not apply to Kaksvetinen hut cooking shelter.
Kettumäen tulentekopaikka
Campfire site
Korteniemi campfire site
Campfire site
Lighting any campfires is strictly forhibited if the wildfire warning is in effect.
Tittilammin lean-to shelter
Lean-to shelter
A reservable cooking shelter area with a lean-to shelter. The area is intended for day or overnight use. Only customers who have reserved the site for a day can stay overnight at the lean-to shelter. Making a fire at the lean-to shelter during a forest fire warning is strictly prohibited. The ban does not apply to the cooking shelter.
Drinking water
- Always boil water from natural sources before drinking it.
- Do not wash dishes or yourself in natural waters or on well covers.
- After use, remember to soak any washing water into the ground far enough away from natural waters or water supply points.
- Read more about drinking water
- Remember to bring your own toilet paper.
- Check the instructions for using the toilet provided at the campsite.
Waste disposal
- Take your rubbish home, do not burn it.
- Remember to bring some rubbish bags when you go out.
- Do not throw food waste out in the forest.