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Outdoor destinations

By Boat to Koli

Koli Harbour (Rantatie 12, Lieksa) on the shore of Lake Pielinen has a guest harbour with eight berths, a boat ramp for small boats, and a dock for cruise ships and car ferries. Please remember that landing or moving around on islets smaller than one hectare in size is prohibited between 15 May and 17 July to allow waterfowl to nest in peace.

There is a launching site for small boats on the Alaselkä beach of Lake Herajärvi in Lähtevänsärkkä (Herajärven rantatie 48, Joensuu). When water levels are low, access from Alaselkä to Lake Herajärvi can be a problem because Orivirta Sound is shallow. Lähtevänsärkkä parking area has space for approximately 5 cars. There is no winter maintenance in the parking area.