Length0.9 km
Duration(0,5-1 h)
Degree of difficultyEasy
The Urpiaislenkki Circle Trail leads straight to the northern coniferous forest. When you start the trail, you’ll mostly see the pointy and narrow-branched Siberian spruce (Picea abies obovata) but by the end the dominating tree species changes to pine. The trail is lined with the typical northern dwarf shrubs lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) and crowberry (Empetrum nigrum). No official difficulty classification has been carried out for the Urpiaislenkki Circle Trail, but the trail is easy and there are hardly any differences in elevation. The trail is gravelled. In the summer, you can follow the trail with a pram. The Urpiaislenkki loop trail can be traversed in summer by walking and cycling, and in winter with snowshoes. The trail is not maintained in winter. The Urpiais Trail is marked in the terrain with green posts and green cone markers.
- Circle trailThe recommended direction of travel is counterclockwise.
- Multi-purpose trailYou can hike, bike, snowshoe or run along the trail. Please note other trail users (moving at different speeds)
- Remember to bring a trash bagThere are no waste bins on the trail. Bring along your own trash bag and take your waste out with you when leaving.
- No water point
- No winter maintenance
Contact information
Starting pointTankavaara pysäköintialue
The Urpiaislenkki Circle trail starts from the Tankavaara parking area (Tankavaarantie 11, 99695 Tankavaara) and first heads towards Sompiotalo.
The trail passes through the gate in the yard of the exhibition house Sompio (formerly the Nature Centre) to the national park.
After travelling around 100 metres from the gate in the yard, the trail crosses the maintenance road that curves toward the back yard.
After crossing the maintenance road, you will arrive at the crossroads of the trails after around 400 metres. Follow the green cone marking and turn left.
End pointTankavaara pysäköintialue