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Outdoor destinations

Solvallankierros Trail

Hiking & outdoor recreation

Length6.7 km

Duration(1,5-2 h)

Degree of difficultyMedium


The Solvallan kierros Trail, located in nature near Haltia, consists of jogging trails and exercise tracks in the area. There are also forested small mires along the forest trail and a particularly stunning rocky cliff. The trail features both gentle and some short, steeper hills. The accessible Finnish Nature Centre Haltia has a café-restaurant, equipment rental services and exhibitions, among other things.

    • Camping not permitted
    • No winter maintenanceIn the winter, a ski track is made on some of the trails.
    • Dry toiletDry toilet at the Aarnituli reservable campfire site. Remember to bring toilet paper. The nearest accessible toilet is located in Haltia.
    • Remember to bring a trash bagThere are no waste bins on the trail. Bring along your own trash bag and take your waste out with you when leaving.
    • Circle trail
    • Water pointAt the Finnish Nature Centre Haltia

    Contact information

    Metsähallitus National Parks FinlandContacts and feedback