Length1.9 km
Experience the most popular landscapes of Koli shrouded in white, admire the icy expanses of Lake Pielinen stretching out below and the snow-covered trees tinted by the sunset. The peaks and many other lookout points of Koli are difficult to reach and slippery. There are no handrails at the viewpoints. They are natural attractions where visitors go at their own risk. In winter, snow may form treacherous overhangs on the edges of cliff faces, which is why you should avoid going too close to the edge. Please also note that in open rocky areas revealed as the snow melts in spring, the spikes of snowshoes cannot get a proper grip. Poles with large snow baskets may also be very helpful when snowshoeing.
- The trail can only be used in the winterPlease note that this trail is only intended for snowshoeing.
- Circle trail
- Camping not permitted
- No dry toilet
- Remember to bring a trash bagThere are no waste bins on the trail. Bring along your own trash bag and take your waste out with you when leaving.
Contact information
The trail is marked with blue reflectors. The trail starts in the yard of Koli Nature Centre Ukko at junction 65. From here, you head behind the Nature Centre to junction 11, where you turn left into the forest. The snowshoeing trail leaves Huippujen kierros Trail immediately after the radio mast and heads right into the forest.
Going past cliff faces, you reach Akka-Koli, after which the trail continues south and again leaves Huippujen kierros Trail. Roughly half way, there is a sharp left turn and, taking in magnificent lake views to the east, the trail reaches Paha-Koli.
After Paha-Koli peak, you continue to follow the path along the eastern cliff faces of the peaks. You go past the demanding accessible viewpoint all the way to the highest peak of Ukko-Koli.
From here, the trail continues for a short distance to the north, until you take a sharp left downhill and return to the starting point through junction 12.
Kolin huiput ja useat muut näköalapaikat ovat vaikeakulkuisia ja liukkaita. Näköalapaikoilla ei ole kaiteita, vaan ne ovat luonnonnähtävyyksiä, joilla kävijä liikkuu omalla vastuullaan. Talvisin lumi voi muodostaa petollisia lumilippoja jyrkänteille, joten vältäthän reunalle menemistä. Suurisompaiset sauvat ovat hyvä apu myös lumikenkäillessä. Huomioithan, että kalliopinnan suojelemiseksi paljaille kallioille ei lumikenkien tai liukuesteiden kanssa saa mennä. Kun kävijöitä on paljon, luonnon kuluminen tapahtuu nopeasti. Keväällä lumen alta paljastuneilla avokallioilla lumikenkien piikit eivät myöskään pidä kunnolla. Suojelet siis luontoa ja itseäsi, kun pysyt lumi- tai jääpinnalla.