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Outdoor destinations

Ruunaa Neitijärven kierros

Hiking & outdoor recreation

Length23 km


The Neitijärven kierros is a shorter version of the Koskikierros. This route variation focuses on the northern parts of the hiking area. Adding a bit of spice and a slight increase in difficulty and atmosphere to the Neitijärven kierros is the crossing of Airovirta by rowboat. The crossing boats are available until October 31st.

01/27 at 14:00

The Neitipuro Bridge along the Koskikierros Trail has been dismantled

The Neitipuro Bridge along the Koskikierros Trail and Neitijärven kierros Trail has been dismantled. A detour that completely avoids crossing the water will be marked in the terrain in the early summer of 2025. Until then, the routes are not passable.

  • The trail can only be used during the snow-free seasonThe crossing boats are available until October 31st.
  • Circle trail
  • The area/trail is not safe to use during the winter
  • Campfire site
  • Dry toilet
  • Camping permitted
  • Remember to bring a trash bag

Contact information

Metsähallitus National Parks FinlandContacts and feedback