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Outdoor destinations

Päivättärenpolku Trail

Hiking & outdoor recreation

Length1.4 km

Duration( 0,5 h)

Degree of difficultyMedium


The Päivättärenpolku Trail, located in nature near Haltia, mainly follows jogging trails in the area. You can take a short detour from the forested trail to reach a good viewpoint, the top of the Solvalla ski slope. The thematic trail features both gentle and some short, steeper hills. The accessible Finnish Nature Centre Haltia has a café-restaurant, equipment rental services and exhibitions, among other things.

  • Dry toiletRemember to bring toilet paper.
  • Camping not permitted
  • No winter maintenanceLatu talvisin osalla reittiä.
  • Remember to bring a trash bagThere are no waste bins on the trail. Bring along your own trash bag and take your waste out with you when leaving.
  • Circle trailThe recommended direction of travel is counterclockwise.
  • Water pointAt The Finnish Nature Centre Haltia
  • Campfire siteAlways check for any wildfire warnings in effect before making a fire.

Contact information

Metsähallitus National Parks FinlandContacts and feedback