Length6 km
Duration(2 h)
Degree of difficultyMedium
On the Pahapuron lenkki Trail, you’ll be able to enjoy the peace and quiet of nature for a soul-soothing retreat. With any luck, you might even spot wild forest reindeer or their tracks. Along the way, there are also the remains of the tar hut's stove and a tar pit at Joutsenlamminkangas.
- Circle trail
- Campfire site
- Camping permittedChargeable
- HutKoirasalmi Nature Information Hu
- Dry toilet
- Remember to bring a trash bag
- Water point
- No winter maintenance
Contact information
Starting point Koirasalmi Nature Information Hut, Koirasalmentie 1220, Kivijärvi
On the Pahapuron lenkki Trail, you’ll hike on duckboards across peatland and rocky shores. The forest paths are narrow and rocky.
Parts of the Pahapuron lenkki Trail pass through the Salamanperä Strict Nature reserve, where visitors must stay on the marked trails at all times and it is not allowed to pick berries or mushrooms.
When returning to Koirasalmi, the trail will follow a section of the trail hiked at the start.
Alternatively, you can return by circling Lake Pieni Koirajärvi on the Vasan kierros Trail. This will add 900 metres to the hike.
Ending Koirasalmi Nature Information Hut, Koirasalmentie 1220, Kivijärvi