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Outdoor destinations
Hiking & outdoor recreation

Length4.7 km

Duration(1,5 - 2,5 hours)

Degree of difficultyEasy


On the Mäntypolku trail, you walk through majestic pine forests. The entire Patvinsuo area is named after the pine trees, as 'Patvi' means a dead pine tree. Along the trail, the old fishing sauna and charcoal kiln tell the history of Patvinsuo and traditional ways of utilizing nature.

  • Circle trailThe recommended direction of travel is clockwise.
  • Multi-purpose trailYou can hike, bike, snowshoe or run along the trail. Please note other trail users (moving at different speeds)
  • Campfire siteAlways check for any wildfire warnings in effect before making a fire.
  • Camping permittedThere is a camping area at the Suomun Nature Hut.
  • Remember to bring a trash bagTuo roskapussi ja vie roskat mennessäsi tai kierrätyspisteeseen, jotka sijaitsevat Suomun luontotuvan ja Kurkilahden pysäköintialueilla.
  • Water pointWell at the Suomun campfire site.
  • Dry toiletRemember to bring toilet paper.
  • No winter maintenance

Contact information

Metsähallitus National Parks FinlandContacts and feedback