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Outdoor destinations
Hiking & outdoor recreation

Length2.6 km

Duration(1 hour)

Degree of difficultyEasy


The Kuusipolku trail leads its travelers to old slash-and-burn fields and the most magnificent old forests of Patvinsuo National Park. Here, many old forest species thrive, from Pine Martens (Martes martes), to Flying Squirrels (Pteromys volans) and from Grey-headed Woodpeckers (Picus canus) Red-breasted Flycatcher (Fidecula parva). The duckboards on the trail are somewhat aged in places and in varying condition.

  • Dry toiletRemember to bring toilet paper.
  • Camping not permitted
  • Circle trailThe recommended direction of travel is clockwise.
  • Remember to bring a trash bagThere are no waste bins on the trail. Bring along your own trash bag and take your waste out with you when leaving.
  • Multi-purpose trailYou can hike, bike, snowshoe or run along the trail. Please note other trail users (moving at different speeds)
  • No water point
  • No winter maintenance

Contact information

Metsähallitus National Parks FinlandContacts and feedback