Length23.1 km
Duration(8 h)
Degree of difficultyHard
The Iijärvi - Hossa canoeing route mainly consists of lakes with only a few rapids. Iijärvi is a large lake located partly in the area of Kuusamo municipality. In windy weather the lake is challenging to cross and it is best to go around it close to the shore. The route stretches 14 km, starting at the bridge over the Sakkojoki river along road 843 to Kuusamo and ending at Papinpetäjä, and the estimated canoeing time is 8 hours. In low water canoeing is not possible on the Iikoski rapids, but the remaining route is accessible even in low water.
23.0 kmDegree of difficulty
8 hTrail type
Contact information
The route begins by the bridge over the Sakkojoki river with about 2 km of easily flowing narrow river. The river connects to Sakkolahti Bay in Lake Iijärvi. Continue south a little over 2 km on the lake and turn southwest after Teeriniemi cape towards Niskanniemi. The river section leading to Lake Hypäsjärvi begins on the south side of Niskanniemi.
You can also start the route on the western shore of Iso Ahvenlahti Bay, which makes the route 3 km shorter. The lake section from Iso-Ahvenlampi continues a couple of kilometres east, then turn south after Paloniemi. The river section leading to Lake Hypäsjärvi begins after Niskanniemi.
The river section comprises a couple of kilometres of calm, winding waters. At some points the river extends to bays and a pond. The route goes below the bridge of the road to Kuusamo and passes through Saarilampi to Lake Hypäsjärvi. You can stop at the southwest corner of Lake Hypäsjärvi (approx. 1 km) before the Iikoski Rapids. There is the Iikoski day parking area with a cooking shelter by the rapids.
The Iikoski rapids cannot be run in low water. Even in high water you should study the first section of the route from the shore because of the numerous surface rocks. Iikoski rapids comprise three parts stretching about half a kilometre. The rapids section ends at Lake Huosiusjärvi. On the shore of this lake you can find the Iikoski and Huosiusjärvi rental cabins.
The water route continues with a lake section across Lake Huosiusjärvi (1.5 kilometres). You can stop at the boat launch place before Huosivirta or continue via Huosivirta (I) to Lake Kenttäjärvi and on to Nurmiselkä launching site or Papinpetäjä, an isthmus between Lakes Hossanjärvi and Keihäslampi, via Mykränsalmi. The distance from Huosivirta to Papinpetäjä is approximately 2 kilometres.