Length65.3 km
Duration(3,5-5,5 tuntia)
Degree of difficultyMedium
MTB 67 km consists of the western MTB 39 km trail section and the 28-kilometre eastern section. MTB 39 km is the most difficult one of the MTB trails in Evo. To manage this trail, you need technical skills and a proper mountain bike. The eastern loop offers variable terrain and is only suitable for actual mountain bikes.
63.7 kmUnpaved
3,5-5,5 tuntiaForest path
-Uphill section
-Degree of difficulty (1-5)
-Downhill section
-Suited for biking
Contact information
Starting point: Evo HAMK University of Applied Sciences information board (hamk.fi), Saarelantie 1, Hämeenlinna.
The trail runs through almost uninhabited forests and lake landscapes. Trail markings: a red band on a wooden post. In places also mountain biker symbols and arrows.
There are fairly short challenging path sections on the trail, with easier dirt road sections and partly forest roads in between.
End point: Evo HAMK University of Applied Sciences information board (hamk.fi), Saarelantie 1, Hämeenlinna.