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Outdoor destinations

Evo MTB 17 km


Length15.4 km

Duration(2-4 tuntia)

Degree of difficultyEasy


This trail around Iso-Ruuhijärvi lake is the shortest of the signposted mountain biking trails in Evo. It mainly consists of fairly easy forest paths, forest roads and narrower dirt roads. Along the trail you can see different forest types from pine heaths to shady spruce woods carpeted with moss as well as the lakeshore views of Alinen Rautjärvi lake and the Luutajoki river.

  • Length

    14.4 km
  • Unpaved

  • Duration

    2-4 tuntia
  • Forest path

  • Uphill section

  • Degree of difficulty (1-5)

  • Downhill section

  • Suited for biking


Contact information

Metsähallitus National Parks FinlandContacts and feedback