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Outdoor destinations
Vetistä suota. Taustalla metsää.

Walk safely over Finland's deepest bog along sturdy duckboard trails. A high birdwatching tower offers fine views over the vast open bog, which is visited by many migrating cranes and geese in spring and autumn. In winter cross-country skiers come to the bog to explore the wide open white wintry scene.

  • Mire nature
  • Easy trails for day trips
  • An extensive trail network
  • Bird watching
  • Accessible trails and services
  • Observation tower

Activities and trails

When the snow conditions are good, there can be up to 45 km of classic cross country skiing trails in Torronsuo National Park.

Pack your binoculars and a bird atlas in your rucksack and come to Torronsuo to watch birds migrating in the spring or autumn.

Kurkiparvi lentää puustoisen suon yllä. Suolla on hivenen usvaa.

Natural Features of Torronsuo National Park

At Torronsuo National Park, Finland's deepest mire lies beneath you. Cranes, peat mosses, and cranberries thrive in the raised bog, while the scent of marsh Labrador tea enchants visitors.

Nature at the site

Visitor's checklist

  • The national park is a nature reserveEveryman’s Right does not apply as such in national parks.
  • Staying overnight in the area is prohibited
  • Make campfires only in designated sitesAlways check the current wildfire warning before making a fire. During a wildfire warning, fires are only allowed in cooking shelters with a chimney.
  • Remember to bring a trash bagThere are no waste bins in the area. Bring a trash bag and take the trash with you.
  • Always keep pets on a leashDog waste should be cleaned away from the paths.
Instructions and rules