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Outdoor destinations
Suuri keskiaikainen kivilinna seisoo muhkean kallion päällä. Etualalla on vihreä niitty. Taivaalla on uhkaavan näköisi ukkospilviä. On kesä.

The Raseborg Castle was built in the 1370s as the administrative centre of Western Uusimaa, and it has been one of the most important seats of royal power in Finland after the Turku and Vyborg Castles. Life in the castle has varied from the everyday of a simple administrative centre to glorious court life. There are several information boards around the castle that tell the long and varied history of the medieval fortress. In the summer, various events are organised in the grass field in front of the castle ruins, and the Raseborg Summer Theatre is also active in the area. One of the oldest tourist facilities in Finland still operates in the castle yard. The Slottsknekten’s hut, which currently serves as a restaurant, was opened in 1893 under the name of “Turistimaja” (Tourist Hut). The castle ruins are an excellent destination for history lovers and the whole family. The castle and its walking routes are easy to explore, but there are some steep stairs and uneven spots inside the castle that are not suitable for people with reduced mobility. The castle is accessible up to the courtyard.

  • The most important medieval castle ruins in Finland
  • Natural beauty of the Lemmenpolku trail from the castle to the village of Snappertuna
  • Forngårdern Folk Museum and the beautiful village of Snappertuna nearby
Rehevä niitty jossa etualalla kasvaa puna-apilaa. Apilan kukat ovat hennon vaaleanpunaisia.

Nature of the Raseborg Castle Ruin

Become enchanted by the hustle and bustle of history. The extensive past of the Raseborg Castle Ruin have left traces that are still visible in the surrounding nature to this day.

Nature at the site
Kivilinnan raunio. Etualalla on kivimuuria ja vihreätä aluskasvillisuutta. Taivaalla on pilviä, on kesä.

History of the Raseborg Castle Ruin

In the late Middle Ages, Raseborg Castle represented the power of the King of Sweden. Life in the castle varied from the everyday chores of a simple administrative centre to luxurious court life.

History of the destination

Visitor's checklist

  • Staying overnight in the area is prohibited
  • Camping in the area is prohibited
  • Making fire is forbidden
  • Remember to bring a trash bagBring a trash bag and take the trash with you or to the recycling point.
  • Always keep pets on a leashAlso remember a dog waste bag and clean up after your dog.
Instructions and rules