Which team wins! Fun and easygoing mobile adventure outdoors played in teams!
In the adventure you will see your teams location on the map, the route and puzzle points from your mobile phone screen. One phone per team (2-5 people) is enough.
- No App download. Play online through the browser
- The teams go through several puzzle points
- The puzzles are multiple choice tasks
- The game is easygoing, no need to rush
- You walk along the outdoor tracks
- In case of rain you will receive a cover for your phone
- The length of the route is about 2,5km
- The team with most correct answers is rewarded with a small prize
- The difficulty of the activity is easy
What to pack: Outdoorsy clothing matching the weather and good shoes. In case of rain we will provide good and comfortable rain capes and a cover for your phone. Water bottle is included.