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Outdoor destinations

Current information for Koli National Park hikers


We update this article with current information on hiking conditions, terrain services, and exceptional situations in Koli National Park.

Current condition of the trails

  • Hiking on the Koli trails continues in conditions with less snow than usual for this time of year. Due to fluctuating temperatures, the terrain can be extremely slippery in places. We recommend shoes with good grip and sturdy support.
  • You can also check the conditions yourself via the Koli weather cameras located on the Koli slopes (
  • The marked snowshoeing trail is now open and marked with blue anf orange ribbons.
  • The trails are not maintained in winter, except for the Kylänpolku Trail from Koli village to Ukko-Koli. The trail is maintained by packing with a snowmobile, so it can be walked without snowshoes. The trail is not maintained on weekends. The trail is marked with petrol blue paint marks.
  • The current ski trail conditions in the Koli area can be found on the service.

Herajärven kierros
The Herajärven kierros is a demanding hiking trail for the snow-free season. The trail is challenging due to heavy ascents and steep descents. In winter, deep snow makes hiking slow and demanding. Snowshoes are absolutely essential. There is no winter maintenance on the Herajärven kierros.