In general in Finland, pets are allowed in national parks and most other nature reserves as long as they remain on a leash. Pets are not allowed to roam free in any national parks or nature reserves.
Be responsible when hiking and camping with a pet. Never let your pets roam free and chase or disturb wildlife or fragile plant life. Even if your pet responds well to voice commands, keep in mind that dogs (and cats) are predators by nature and will instinctively chase birds and wild animals. This can cause a lot of damage and disturbance especially during the nesting season in spring. Also make sure your pet does not disturb other visitors.
Some nature trails or other sites might have restrictions on hiking with a pet. Make sure to check local regulations before venturing with a pet. Remember some trails can be very steep, rocky, wet, or slippery. Some trails may require wading across rivers or streams, walking on duckboards, or climbing staircases. Sometimes these staircases are made of steel with open steel grating on the steps. Trails may be very challenging or impossible for some pets.
Each open wilderness hut, reservable hut, rental hut, or day trip hut has its own rules concerning pets. Check if pets are allowed to enter the hut by reading the rules on the hut’s online homepage. Always consider the needs of other hut users. Pet owners are solely responsible for their pet’s behaviour.