Hiking with a larger group has its pros and cons. Heading out in a group is often more fun and also less expensive as the costs can be shared between a higher number of people. Having more people around also makes you feel safer. In a larger group you have to take everybody into consideration, however, and the distance you cover each day must be tailored to the weakest member of your group. A larger group size means that you are more limited in your options for accommodation, either regarding the size of campsites or the capacity of reservable huts.
From idea to excursion: the stages of planning your hike
Stage 1: preliminary planning
You can use the following questions to support the preliminary planning of your group’s hike. You can save the preliminary plan to a shared workspace set up for your hike, where you can later also collect all other electronic documents used for planning the excursion.
1. Where?
Your destination often is the first question to be answered. Should your destination be in Finland or elsewhere? In Lapland or further south? Is reaching a certain nature attraction your goal?
- Tip: You can run a search among the excursion destinations on Luontoon.fi using different criteria.
2. When?
When would it suit everybody to go? Are you planning a hike in the snow-free season or a winter excursion? How many days are you planning to take?
- Tip: For a bit of luxury at the end of a longer hike or for your last night, you could book a large cabin or some other type of accommodation with an external service provider for your group where you can take it easy and relax after your hike.
3. Why are we going, what are we planning to do?
This question will help you select the goals of the excursion and decide how much training or practice the group will need before setting out. A larger group must always have a leader, or you must decide who will lead each aspect of the hike. Who will be the excursion leader? Are all group members experienced hikers? Are some of you beginners or less fit than others? How will you share responsibilities between group members? How well do the group members know each other? Could the group members rescue each other if necessary?
- Tip: You should assign responsibilities based on the group members’ strengths. One of you may like to be in charge of navigation, while for others it could be more natural to be responsible for cooking or fetching water.
4. Who will be going?
Tämä kysymys ohjaa valitsemaan retken tavoitteet paremmin sekä sen, miten paljon ryhmää tulisi kouluttaa tai sen harjoitella ennen retkelle lähtöä. Isompi ryhmä tarvitsee aina johtajan tai sopimisen kuka johtaa mitäkin. Kuka johtaa retkeä? Onko kaikki ryhmän jäsenet kokeneita vaeltajia? Onko mukana aloittelijoita tai heikompikuntoisia? Miten jaatte vastuut ryhmän jäsenten välillä? Miten hyvin jäsenet tuntevat toisensa? Voivatko ryhmän jäsenet pelastaa tarvittaessa toinen toisensa?
- Vinkki: Ryhmän vastuita kannattaa jakaa vahvuuksien mukaan. Toinen voi tykätä huolehtia suunnistamisesta, kun taas toiselle on luontevampaa ottaa vastuuta ruuanlaitosta tai veden noutamisesta.
5. How will we travel to the destination?
What would be the most cost-effective way for the group to get there? How will you travel on the excursion (walking, cycling, paddling...)?
6. How much are we willing to pay for the excursion?
How much are the group members able to spend on the excursion? How will you raise funds if this turns out to be necessary?