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Outdoor destinations

Length5.8 km

Duration(1 h)

Degree of difficultyMedium


On the Pyhän Jyssäys trail, you’ll ascend to the summit of Pikku Pyhävaara, where you’ll find stunning views and a hut for a snack break. This trail can be explored on foot or by mountain bike and is ideal for a family day trip. The trail is accessible in both summer and winter. The vegetation on the mountain summits is delicate and cannot withstand traffic, so please stay on the marked trails.

  • Length

    5.8 km
  • Unpaved

  • Duration

    1 h
  • Forest path

  • Uphill section

  • Degree of difficulty (1-5)

  • Downhill section

  • Suited for biking


Contact information

Metsähallitus National Parks FinlandContacts and feedback