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Outdoor destinations

Terrain conditions in Lemmenjoki National Park.


Information about the terrain conditions in Lemmenjoki National Park and changes in the use of hiking services, including huts.

Terrain conditions and hut information in Lemmenjoki.

  • The Njurkulahti-Morgamoja winter trail is marked with twigs along Lemmenjoki during week 2.
  • The Vaskolompolo Open Wilderness Hut is now back in normal use. Fire safety risks related to the hut's stove were fixed in October 2024.
  • The stove in the Vaskojoki Open Wilderness Hut sauna is broken, so the sauna is temporarily out of use.
  • The crossing boats and cables at Searitniva and Härkäkoski are in place year-round. In late autumn, the riverbanks freeze, making crossing by boat impossible.