Metsähallitus maintains tens of accessible and easy nature destinations that are suitable for those moving with aid or for those who are seeking easy trails. Different sorts of illnesses, injuries, traveling with small children or, for example, challenges that come along with old age don't need to be obstacles for enjoying outdoors and gaining unique nature experiences.
What Is a Typical Accessible Trail like?
Terrain and weather conditions set natural limits for the planning and maintenance of hiking services, which means that each accessible or easy nature trail is different. The same route can be very different at different times of the year in Finland’s varying weather and road conditions.
Accessible trails typically have an accessible dry toilet or WC and campfire site, and many places also have an accessible bird tower or viewing platform for observing nature. If you use a mobility aid to get around, you will need an assistant for most trails. Visitors may also use the services of partner companies, such as nature tourism operators, at many nature sites. Almost all visitor centres and other customer service points are accessible buildings.

An accessible nature trail is usually built, hard-surfaced and has no obstructions that limit mobility, such as roots, pits or soft spots. The maximum grade of accessible trails is 8% and maximum lateral slope is 3%. The trail width is at least 1.2 m.
On a demanding accessible nature trail, visitors with mobility impairments may require an assistant or a mobility aid designed for or facilitating movement in nature. A demanding accessible nature trail may be built or unbuilt and natural. It is physically more challenging than an accessible nature trail. The trail may have roots and rocks, and in some places, the trail surface may be soft. In some places, the longitudinal grade of the trail may exceed 8% and the lateral slope may exceed 3%. The trail width may be less than 1.2 m.
- The sign indicating an accessible or demanding accessible nature trail alone does not guarantee that the route is suitable for everyone.
- Always carefully read the route description before visit. Browse accessible trails.
- In nature, weather and road conditions have a significant impact on the accessibility of the route.
- Never hike a trail alone during your first visit, particularly on demanding accessible nature trails.
Further information on the criteria for accessible nature trails
The Finnish Paralympic Committee, the Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities (FPD) Accessibility Centre ESKE, and Metsähallitus' Parks & Wildlife Finland drafted criteria for longer nature trails as well as instructions for mapping and describing the trails in the Esteetön eräpolku (Accessible Wilderness Trail) project, which ended in 2020. The mapping guidelines were updated in 2024 as part of the Reitit ja rakenteet (Trails and Structures: Accessibility of Nature Trails) project. In the future, Metsähallitus will map and describe accessible and demanding accessible nature trails using these updated guidelines.
Physically disabled persons operating motor vehicles off-road
In accordance with section 4 of the Off-Road Traffic Act, any person with severe physical disabilities and their accompanying escort operating a motor vehicle off-road does not require a permission of the land owner or of the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment.
In accordance with section 28 of the Off-Road Traffic Act, any person with limited mobility because of age, injury or disease can apply for a special off-road traffic permit from the local Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment.
We wish you enjoyable moments in the most beautiful places of the Finnish nature!