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Outdoor destinations

Autionkierto Trail

Hiking & outdoor recreation

Length3.5 km


The highlight and main attraction of the Autionkierto trail is, as the name suggests, Tiilikanautio, an old homestead. This farm, inhabited as early as the 1700s, was long believed to be the birthplace of the famous border captain Olli Tiainen. According to current knowledge, this is not the case, but the homestead is still a great place to visit. Perhaps you will find signs of iron production or happen to visit in midsummer when the yard meadow is at its most beautiful?

  • Circle trail
  • Camping not permitted
  • Water pointDrinking water well at Uitto.
  • HutRental hut Uiton kämppä.
  • Remember to bring a trash bag
  • Dry toiletRemember to bring toilet paper.

Contact information

Metsähallitus National Parks FinlandContacts and feedback