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Outdoor destinations

Ant Trail

Hiking & outdoor recreation

Length1.3 km

Degree of difficultyEasy


Aimed at kids, the Muurahaispolku (Ant Trail) teaches visitors about ants. There are several illustrated nature boards along the trail that tell about wood ants and their lives.

    • Circle trailThe recommended direction of travel is counterclockwise.
    • Campfire siteAlways check for any wildfire warnings in effect before making a fire.
    • Camping permittedCamping is only permitted in the immediate vicinity of marked rest areas and campfire sites and huts.
    • Dry toiletRemember to bring toilet paper.
    • Remember to bring a trash bagThere are no waste bins on the trail. Bring along your own trash bag and take your waste out with you when leaving.
    • Water point
    • No winter maintenance

    Contact information

    Metsähallitus National Parks FinlandContacts and feedback