The lightweight, compact packraft is like a sleek rubber boat that you carry on your back. With a packraft you can take to lakes and rivers while out hiking, getting the best of both worlds. A packraft also gives you opportunities to paddle in places that would be very difficult to reach with a canoe or kayak.
Packrafting is an easy way to try out paddling if you select the right type of waters as your destination. The packraft is not as fast as an open canoe or kayak, but it is handy for paddling in or crossing smaller lakes and rivers. Lakes and rivers sheltered from the wind and excursions that combine paddling and hiking are the best choice. While a packraft does not capsize easily, it is advisable to avoid larger open water areas, as the raft is relatively slow and tends to be pushed around by winds. You should always paddle near the shore to avoid unexpected gusts of wind.
While a packraft makes it easy to explore outside marked trails, remember the Outdoor etiquette and check the instructions and rules page for any areas and periods at your destination that may be subject to access restrictions . For example, access to many small lakes, mires and islands as well as the shores of islands is restricted during the bird nesting season.
Packrafting equipment
A packraft is easy to take out and pack away in a few minutes. When packed away, the packraft is the size and weight of a small tent. The packraft needs to be inflated before use. For this, an electric pump or a suitable inflation bag is used. You only have to blow air into the raft at the end to fine-tune its firmness. Packrafts are usually designed for one person, but two-person rafts are also available.
The same equipment can be used for packrafting as for conventional paddling. However, the small size of the raft means that you cannot carry too much gear on it. You should make sure your rucksack or other gear are wrapped in watertight bags and well attached to the raft. Any gear you wish to carry is normally attached to the top of the raft as it usually has no separate storage space. If the raft has a high load of gear, it is higher, less stable and more vulnerable to wind. A large load of gear also restricts the paddler's field of vision. You can pack your gear inside the pontoons of the raft if the raft is equipped with such a feature.
The raft should be deflated for long hikes on foot, but on shorter trips cross land you can easily carry an inflated raft on your back, and in snowy conditions, it can even be used as a substitute for a sledge. A paddle that can be dismantled into short sections, making it easier to pack, is the most suitable option for packrafting. If you have a spraydeck, you can even go whitewater rafting in your packraft.