Kukkodâh58.5 km
A shining white line of fells and blue sky shimmering in the spring sunlight - fall in love with the winter open fell area at Hetta-Pallas. The full length of Hetta-Pallas ski trail along maintained tracks is available in March and April. When skiing on the open fell area you must have the proper equipment and orienteering skills. Strong winds in the fell area can quickly cover the trail with snow. Always check the condition information of the trails in advance.
- Kiäinu puáhtá jotteeđ tuše tälviv
VyelgimsajeTunturi-Lapin luontokeskus, Peuratie 15, 99400 Enontekiö
VyelgimsajePallastunturin luontokeskus pysäköintialue
The track starts at Hetta and crosses the frozen surface of Lake Ounasjärvi. Please stay on the maintained track when skiing across the lake. On the other side of the lake, the trail continues through a pine forest towards Pyhäkero open wilderness hut. Note: On the southwest side of Pyhäkero, the ski route no longer goes through Haaravaarankuru but through Sioskuru. The rolling open fell area from Pyhäkero Fell to Hannukuru Ravine gives you a real feel for the wilderness of the Ounastunturi Fells. Under their blanket of snow, the fells have a stark and simple beauty. When skiing on the open fell area you must have the proper equipment and some orienteering skills. Strong winds in the fell area can quickly cover the trail with snow. From Hannukuru Ravine, the track descends briefly into a wooded landscape before climbing back up to Montell’s Hut and Nammalakuru Ravine. This provides one of the best views of the rounded tops of the Pallastunturi Fells. A long descent from Nammalakuru Ravine leads to the edge of Kortevuoma riverbed. The last section of the trail ends at Pallastunturi Fells, giving you one more opportunity to admire the beautiful white fells.
LopâttemsajePallastunturin luontokeskus pysäköintialue