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Murhamysteeri / Murder Mystery

Dynamo Ohjelmapalvelut Oy

AdressNuuksiontie 82, 2820 Espoo

Are you ready for the challenge?
Whose team will solve the murder?

In the game, you immerse yourself in the story and work in teams to solve the murder.

The game consists of two separate sections:​

  • The Final Exam
  • The First Homicide Investigation

This activity requires wits and team work and can be arranged both indoors and outdoors.​

The program is also well-suited for dinners, when there can be a meal between sections. You can enjoy the game without needing to leave the table.

The winner team is rewarded with a small prize.

What to pack: If you choose to be outdoors, please bring outdoorsy, warm clothing matching the weather. In case of rain we will provide good and comfortable rain capes. Water bottle is also included.

The default location is the Finnish Nature Center Haltia and it's surrounding area, other locations are also possible!