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Katapulttikisat / Catapult Competitions

Dynamo Ohjelmapalvelut Oy

AdressNuuksiontie 82, 2820 Espoo

Build a catapult and break the walls of the opponent's castle!
Incredibly fun and exciting competition with catapult shooting.

In this activity, the teams assemble catapults and shoot at the opponent's fortress 20m away. Ingenuity is also useful, because by solving puzzles, the team gets more powerful ammunitions for the catapult.

Activity is easy and no special skills needed.

The winner team is rewarded with a small prize.

What to pack: Outdoorsy clothing matching the weather. In case of rain we will provide good and comfortable rain capes. Water bottle is also included.

The default location is the Finnish Nature Center Haltia and it's surrounding area, other locations are also possible!